Travel Safety & Security 

Working and living in a different culture and environment means dealing with different norms, values, and behaviours. This creates unpredictable situations that can ultimately lead to conflicts and incidents. TGI has its roots in the intelligence domain and is active in building and improving intelligence positions in high-risk areas. This unique, specialized knowledge is the basis of our Travel Safety & Security programs, which provide the ongoing training and development essential to organizational resilience. TGI’s travel safety and security is about changing mindsets and helps organizations build towards a culture that actively promotes travel safety and optimally prepares you and your employees for travelling and working in areas with an increased risk- and threat level.


Our specialists all have experience operating in high-threat situations and making choices under stressful conditions. This knowledge and expertise enable our trainers and consultants to adequately prepare clients for a wide variety of scenarios effectively.


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Below is a small selection of the options our Travel Safety & Security programmes have to offer.

Travel safety consultancy

Our experts and consultants have been or are still stationed all over the world, each with their own area of expertise. These varied and handpicked experts come together to offer courses tailored to your needs and circumstances. 

We have all the knowledge and skills available in-house to ensure that your person or organization can travel, work and live safely anywhere in the world.

Threat & Risk Assessments

Travel Management Plans

Travel Risk Management Policy

Emergency Response Plans

Evacuation Planning

Major Incident Management

Interested? contact us!

A travel story...

Some regions of the world can be difficult to worklive & travel in, and may even pose continuous threats to personnel, information, or materials. To operate safely and successfully in these environments, it is necessary that you make a correct assessment of the risks, threats and opportunities.

Just imagine yourself in the following situation:

You work for an organisation that has projects all over the world, including in challenging regions such as former conflict areas. You are requested to meet with your line manager to discuss an ongoing project where some positions have become available. You have already indicated that you like challenges and would like to see if you can make a contribution in another country. You will receive information about the country with regards to culture, customs, climate, etc. After consultation with your loved ones and some additional personal reflection, you decide to leave for an initial period of 4 months.  

The beginning

You start your trip abroad by plane, when you arrive at your destination you have to transfer to a smaller plane of a company that you are not familiar with. It is sweltering hot and the plane is full. When you arrive at the airport you notice that it has only one concourse and no shops. Your suitcase is thrown from the plane onto a trailer and it is pulled by a tractor that takes your suitcase to the hall where you can collect it. A contact person is already there, waiting for you. After a brief introduction you and this person step into a small 6-person plane that looks and sounds like it needs maintenance. After an hour of flying you arrive at your final destination. Here you transfer to what looks like a "van" without doors that takes you to your accommodation. 

With thorough planning in advance you can prevent or manage a lot of issues. 

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• In the above situation it would have been nice to know in advance that there is nothing to buy anywere in this region. You could have bought something to drink or eat on the first plane so you won't get hungry or dehydrated later on. 

If you are dehydrated you can lose your concentration and not be mindful of your surroundings, making you more vulnerable to threats such as mugging, robbery etc. 

  • You may also have traveled with a sturdy suitcase (yellow in colour) with lock, which you could spot from a distance and would not fall open during transit.
  • You could have taken a seat in the back, you counted the number of seats to the emergency exit so that you could have easily found it in case of the need to evacuate.
  • You would have put your hand luggage in a compartment you can keep your eyes on at all times
  • You would already have been in contact with your contact person several times before your trip.  
  • You would also have told your local contact that you would like to travel safely and that you want to avoid as much risk as possible. 
  • When spending the night somewhere, you would have prepared a small (backpack) bag at the side of your bed with a flashlight, passport and wallet at all times, and have your shoes ready and nearby.  
  • You would know that the accommodations at your new location are almost never equipped with sprinklers and maintenance is in many cases overdueThere is a risk of fire hazard, so you would make sure to check for fire escape-routes when staying at a new place.

Now that you have settled

  • Now that you have settled in after a week, life and work abroad starts to incorporate everything that comes with daily routines. You go for a bite to eat every now and then. You commute daily and visit as many of the local hotspots as possible in your spare time. You like to do your shopping at the market and occasionally enjoy the local nightlife. 
  • You now know where you can eat and you almost never order salad, because you know it is unclear how it is grown. With regards to meat, a grilled/well done preparation presents the least risk. 
  • There are several roads that you take to your work environment. This minimises the risk of robbery and kidnapping. 
  • You have left your expensive jewellery and western look at home, you don’t want to stand out when at a cash machine (ATM) for fear of your cash being stolen from you. 
  • You recognise threatening situations and can influence the behaviour of the aggressor through your own behaviour
  • You have the knowledge to prevent or reduce risky situations. You can also positively influence situations through your own behaviour & appearance. 
  • With a good medical evacuation plan, you are more confident that you will get the proper care in an emergency
  • You can also react in threatening situations with regard to aggression, accidents, etc. you can act when the need arises.

Thank you for reading this travel story! 

Are you or is one of your employees travelling to a risky area soon? TGI’s travel safety program provides the optimal preparation for travelling and working in hazardous areas. From the moment of departure to return, our experienced consultants and trainers will provide the right guidance to increase self confidence and safety awareness

Interested? contact us!

Travel safety experience

Travel preparation starts with an inventory of personal and organisational needs and with the acquisition of basic knowledge through an interactive online preboarding program at our online campus. This information is analysed by the experts of the training team. You are now ready to begin the practical training!

Our experienced guides will take you along all the main areas of concern related to travel in high-risk countries. You will learn to spot the danger in everyday situations, but also learn to recognize situations where you may be tempted to react in an unreflective, instinctual manner (thus increasing the risk to your person). We work with innovative teaching tools and methods, making the process of developing the required skills fun, interesting and effective.

Our course is designed in a such a way that the subject matter of the course stays top of mind and your learned skills surface when you need them in practice. By documenting your progress in a personal travel log during the trip, you develop your own roadmap towards expertise so you don't lose track of mastered skills. At the end of the journey, you will have a set of concrete tools and skills at hand. With these skills, you will be able to proactively, adequately and confidently maintain as much control over your situation as possible in threatening situations worldwide, and reduce the risks for you and your team.

Interested? contact us!

The menu consists of the following themes:

- Low and medium risk area                

- Medium and high risk area

- High and extreme risk area

- Custom made


(De-escalating) Communication skills

Dealing with unexpected and unforeseen circumstances 

Protocol-based medical life-saving treatment (TECC)  

Wilderness medicine 

Basic life support & AED 


Basic negotiation tactics

Positively influencing challenging behaviour (aggression management)

Simulations from the field

Assessing and dealing with safety risks 

Standardising safety procedures in the field

Dealing with gender-specific risks 

The personal risk profile 

Analysing security risks in your environment

Use different means of communication in remote areas (e.g. satellite phone/radio)

Communication strategies

Kidnapping, hostage-taking and extortion  

On the road safety (a.o. checkpoints, ambushes, carjacking, convoy, roadblocks).

Introduction to firearms, UXOs, IEDs


Basic navigation methods (map, compass and GPS) 

Travelling in convoy  

Surviving in primitive conditions 

Hibernation/ relocation and evacuation

Interested? contact us!

“The Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesn’t understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had.”

P.W. Singer


"Many intelligence reports in war are contradictory; even more are false, and most are uncertain."

Carl von Clausewitz

"Understand to Engage is conducted in the physical, cognitive, virtual and emotional domains. It uses appropriate levers that are specific to the target audience to enable the supported force's freedom of action at the strategic, operational and tactical levels during conflict and peacetime."


Course Leader

“Just sit in the corner there, that your footprints may not complicate matters."

Sherlock Holmes

"There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer."

Multivac (Isaac Asimov)

"Observing: the art of seeing, hearing, and feeling without drawing attention to yourself."

Observation Coach

"To transform information into intelligence, adjustment to the environment is the key"

Communication & Engagement coach

Good intelligence is the key to decision making

Arno Reuser

OSINT Authority, Teacher

Our clients say

"Has exceeded my expectations!"

Participant U2E

“Learned much in terms of methodology, but also about myself. Pleasant way of sharing knowledge, assignments, atmosphere, examples.”

Participant U2E

“The strongest aspect of the course was formed by the trainers in my opinion. People from the field that have mastered their knowledge and are considerate towards the prior knowledge of course-participants."

Participant U2E

“It is the combination of everything that makes the course so strong in its totality (method, teachers, theory, practical application, timing of the breaks, location, food, etc.)"

Participant U2E

"Thanks for the most interesting experience of the past years!"

Participant U2E

“It was great! It has given me a lot professionally! It is impossible to keep looking at things the same way."

Participant U2E

I have never followed such a nice training before! The variety was good, but especially the surroundings, the trainers and the other staff were super. It was also very nice that both Ray and Onno visited us and were genuinely interested in us. We were not just a number. For me, this week has really given me a lot. I have grown in knowledge, but also personally this training has brought me a lot.

Course participant, Observation training

"I very much enjoyed the course. The teacher was excellent! A very good instructor."

Cursist, OSINT Scout Course

"This should be mandatory training for everyone conducting internet-based research."

Cursist, OSINT Master Course

"This course has made me realise how amateurish my research methods have been. I wish I had this training 4 years ago! This has been the most practical/applicable training I have received so far."

Cursist, OSINT Pathfinder Course

"Wow! Top training, really puts your mind to work."

Cursist, OSINT Pathfinder Course

"This course has been the most relevant to my day-to-day job that I have ever attended. I will use what I have learnt on a daily basis. I would definitely recommend this course to others!"

Cursist, OSINT Pathfinder Course

Student Military Build-Up Program

The world contains two groups of people; the ones that are educated by Arno Reuser and the ones that aren't... and that's factual. Keep on teaching Arno!

Cursist, OSINT Pathfinder Course


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