Intelligence Courses

Triangular Group Intelligence offers expert courses in various aspects of intelligence. These range from observation, research and engagement methods to best practices in analysis and reporting. Some of our courses are aimed exclusively at government personnel and the private security sector (e.g. observation). In contrast, other courses (such as ‘HUMINT’ and ‘Analysis’) are widely applicable to the business sector and academia and can even be helpful for personal development. 

Intelligence Courses

Our courses

We strongly believe that the unique practices intelligence services deal with information should be available to the private sector. Therefore, TGI offers several Intelligence Courses that are available to both public and private companies.

Open Source Intelligence

Every investigation begins with Open-source research. Using the proper research methods, a wealth of valuable information can be unearthed, which won’t be reached through surface investigations. Unfortunately, the OSINT challenge does not necessarily lie in the shortage of valuable information but rather in the abundance of useless information. Accessible databases are often so significant that, with incorrect search behaviour, pieces of information crucial to your purposes will never be discovered. Open-Source Intelligence is the solution to this challenge. It provides you with the tools to navigate information labyrinths and set up research reports that can be validated by other OSINT-specialists that are reliable, timely, and accurate. 

Human Intelligence

Human Intelligence entails more than the ‘know-how’ of managing essential contacts. It requires one to understand the art of communication across many types of psychological barriers. Crucial to HUMINT are questions such as: What motivates people? How does one build rapport with the right contacts? What types of people may we encounter in this or that locality? What influence might culture or religion play in the way a person behaves? 


In network theory, weak ties are relationships between individuals that, for the most part, have widely varying circles of close acquaintances. Weak ties are more effective when acquiring targeted new bits of information than their opposite, close or strong ties. This is because individuals in close-knit groups usually have access to the same basic information. To acquire such ‘long-range’ contacts, however, one needs to move outside one’s previous comfort zone and be open to talking to almost anybody. Triangular Group’s HUMINT course teaches you to identify suitable sources, approach them, build a relationship, and ultimately disengage it again if necessary. 

Observation, Surveillance, and Spotting

Our Observation training is aimed at (aspiring) professionals in the security sector. Covert observation of individuals is often the crucial informational link in complex investigations and operations that must safeguard the security of an individual under protection. Expert observational operations require extensive planning and preparation, 'in-the-field know-how' about behaving in a non-obtrusive (non-police) manner, how to take cover, and how to maintain an alibi. We deal with all these factors in multiple scenarios that play out over the course of several days. Our unique training blends foundational knowledge with practice-based learning to enrich and extend one another. 


An intelligence-driven organization needs an extensive, well-ordered data structure that supports its informational needs. While large parts of this data-structure design can be automated, certain crucial parts will remain under the care of individuals. Our reporting course teaches professionals in the role of gatekeeper to document their experiences in a way that is supportive of the principles of intelligence-driven organization. Awareness of the "intelligence mindset" in the crucial position of the sensor will make reporting activities more meaningful to the whole organization and generate successes that enervate everyone involved. Writing your reports using 'intelligence best practices' ensures that they will have maximum impact on the senior levels of decision-makers at whom they are aimed.


Our Analysis course introduces you to the ins and outs of investigative methodology in the complex and fast-paced world of intelligence. Unlike academic or policy research, intelligence research must deal with severe informational and temporal constraints. Decades of development in the intelligence profession have generated several best practices of managing these constraints and how to clearly and concisely communicate your findings to the policymakers in question. Based on practical (intelligence) experience, secret-service in-house training, and academic research, our intelligence analysis course is the to-go-to place for professionals in intelligence, security, and strategy development.

Our approach

Level of Impact


The first step in our approach is 'indicate'. This step has the lowest level of impact—the act of indicating entails pointing out why something has happened. To save time and effort later on, it is crucial to start with the'  "indicate" step. The "indicate" step allows the formulation of well thought out strategies and can thus prevent common mistakes. At TGI, our specific approach entails mapping out the relevant playing field so that our client knows who is responsible for what and who they should approach. The indicate step explains why something has happened or why someone has done something. At TGI, we can use our expertise in various methods, from OSINT to HUMINT, to explain a particular phenomenon. The exact methodology undertaken depends on the needs and wishes of the client. A sound explanation of the past is a precondition for an adequate approach to the future.


The second step in our approach is "forecast". Building on the first step, its impact is higher than that of 'indicate' as directions for the future are based on forecasts. Without careful consideration, unfounded gambles can quickly turn into expansive mistakes. However, on the flip side, inaction will always put you behind the competition, where you might miss attractive opportunities. This dilemma can be solved by basing forecasts on solid, up-to-date intelligence. At TGI, we have the expertise and methods to construct high-quality forecasts on various issues. In the forecast step, we extensively analyse the results from the 'indicate' step to determine the most likely course of action and worst-case scenarios. This allows you to capitalise on rewarding opportunities whilst being prepared for any threats to your business. An adequate understanding of the future takes away uncertainty and puts you in control.


"Influence" is the third step in the TGI approach and has an even more significant impact than "forecast". Whereas the previous two stages are intellectual, influencing involves exercising power on another actor to change their conviction on a specific topic and planned course of action regardless of whether the other actor knows that it is being influenced. The right influence simultaneously increases opportunities and reduces threats. At TGI, the 'influence' step predicts the positions of certain actors and indicates what has happened to determine how best to influence those actors. This means that we combine our research and analytical capabilities with our extensive network of influential people to create a new development or event and steer an existing development in the desired direction. TGI can influence the right actors or developments to put you in control.


The final step in the TGI approach is "act". This has the most significant impact of all four stages. This stage is the final step since it depends heavily on a sound explanation of the past and an adequate prediction of the future. Furthermore, it is also impossible to act on developments or opportunities that have not yet been created. Acts are most effective if they are carried out with complete determination and the right combination of capabilities. At TGI, we meet both requirements. The "act" step is what TGI's approach is all about. The three previous steps have been building up to and laying the foundation for this last step. We have explained a development in the 'indicate' step, predicted the most likely course of action and the worst-case scenario in the 'forecast' step, and created the right developments in the 'influence' step. It is now time to capitalise on the opportunities created and have intelligence put you in control.

"Listen with the intent to understand, not the intent to reply."

Stephen Covey